Monday, May 9, 2016

Let's get this started. Heart Rate Training.

I've listened to podcasts, read articles, pondered the science. Finally, I decided to go for it. What do I have to lose? Maybe time, since running at a maximum heart rate of 140 has proven to be slow for this runner. (13:30/mile on my long run last week.) What do I have to gain? Hopefully a renewed love of running, happier miles, a stronger heart and possibly a bit of speed. (Honestly, at 13:30/mile @ 140bpm…things can only get faster!)

Starting today, I will be using a 4 week Introduction to Heart Rate plan, followed by a 20 week Incredible Marathon Plan through my friends and fellow mothers at Train Like a Mother and Another Mother Runner.

Heart rate training has intrigued me for a long time, and I feel that now's the perfect time to give it a try. So, if you see me running really, really slow, I promise it's on purpose!

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